

Navigating Californias Seventeen New Employment Laws

Thursday, December 12 4:00 PM GMT to 5:00 PM GMT

Be Prepared for 2014:Navigating California’s Seventeen New Employment Laws

The California legislative term that just ended produced a raft of new employment-related laws—more than in any recent year. Seventeen newly enacted laws, most of which take effect in January, impose additional burdens on employers and continue the trend of expanding employee rights. How best to prepare yourself for these big changes?

Paul Hastings will host a complimentary breakfast briefing featuring a high level examination of these new laws and their implications for employers with operations in California.

Topics will include:- Expanded protections for “Whistleblowers”- New protections for undocumented workers- Imposition of obligations to provide workplace safety measures- Expansion of leave entitlements for certain crime victims- Expansion of protected categories of employees under the discrimination laws- Wage and hour developments- Recent cases affecting trade secret protections and employee mobilityDATEThursday, December 12, 2013

TIME7:30 am Registration and Breakfast7:45 am - 9:00 am Program

LOCATIONCenter Club650 Town Center DriveCosta Mesa, CA 92626

RSVPby Monday, December 9, 2013 toKimberly Fletcher at kimberlyfletcher@paulhastings.com or +1.213.683.5678

CLE qualifications pending approval

Practice Areas

Employment Litigation

Employment Law
