
Speaking Engagement

PLI’s The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and International Anti-Corruption Developments 2017

Monday, April 24, 2017 - Tuesday, April 25, 2017

12:00 AM GMT - 12:00 AM GMT

New York

The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (“FCPA”) is at the top of most companies’ key risk areas. DOJ and SEC resources devoted to it remain at an all-time high. Recent FCPA and bribery enforcement actions demonstrate that no industry is immune from scrutiny and this past year has seen record settlements.  Beyond the FCPA, more countries and international organizations, are ramping up anti-corruption enforcement and adding to the complexity of legal compliance. This program, taught by a faculty of leading practitioners, in-house counsel, and government officials, will give you the background and tools you need to spot the issues early, develop workable risk management processes, plan and manage internal investigations, and implement effective compliance programs.

What You Will Learn

  • The latest legal developments, and how they will affect you

  • Enforcement trends: DOJ Pilot Program and Yates after one year, evolving theories of liability and jurisdiction, targeted industries, and international anti-corruption developments

  • Board and management responsibilities for anti-corruption programs and investigations

  • Practical tips and best practices for in-house counsel in dealing with critical FCPA issues

  • How to manage risk in various third-party relationships, corporate acquisitions, and joint venture relationships

  • How to get the most from your anti-corruption compliance program and take it to the next level

  • Ethical issues confronting outside and in-house counsel

Special Features

  • Latest government views, expectations and comments

  • Hypothetical scenarios based on real-world challenges

  • Interactive polling

  • Earn one hour of Ethics credit

April 25, 2017 at 3:15pmEthical Issues in FCPA Practice: Hypothetical on Whistleblowers    • Ethical issues in contacting a whistleblower     • Ethical considerations in maintaining confidentiality for whistleblowers    • What happens when your whistleblower is also a wrongdoer – ethical concerns    • Ethical issues in disciplining whistleblowers    • In-house lawyers as whistleblowers – ethics and conflictsModerator: Richard W. GrimeSpeakers: James J. Benjamin, Jr., Nathaniel B. Edmonds, Jennifer G. Newstead, Jordan A. ThomasPLI New York City Seminar Location1177 Avenue of the Americas, 2nd FloorEntrance on 45th StreetNew York, NY 10036