

The Crisis Evolves: The Financial Meltdown and A New Era for Banking

Saturday, September 27 04:00 AM BST to 04:00 AM BST

The Crisis Evolves: The Financial Meltdown and A New Era for Banking

In light of the recent staggering developments in the financial services industry, including:

  • failing and failed banks;

  • the conservatorship of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae;

  • the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers;

  • significant assistance to AIG;

  • the proposed acquisition of Merrill Lynch by Bank of America;

  • a proposed $700 billion plan for the U.S. Government

  • to buy mortgage related assets; and

  • the conversion of Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley

  • to bank holding company status

Paul Hastings Global Banking and Finance Services Group will hold a teleconferenceto address the new financial services landscape.

Friday, September 26, 200812:00 pm ET/ 11:00 am CT/ 9:00 am PT

This complimentary one-hour program is part of the Paul Hastings Global Banking and Financial Services Teleconference Series and is offered to clients and friends of Paul Hastings.

Key topics addressed during this teleconference include:

  • A review of Secretary Paulsons plan for the bailout of financial markets;

  • Understanding Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanleys transformations into bank holding companies; and

  • An analysis of the current crisis involving failed and failing banks.

There will be time for Q&As following the teleconference.

For more information, please contact Meredith Gordonat meredithgordon@paulhastings.com or 212-318-6918.

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