
Speaking Engagement

The Perfect Storm: A Survival Guide for Bank Officers and Directors

Friday, October 01 04:00 AM GMT to 04:00 AM GMT

Paul Hastings, Marshall & Stevens, Aon, Resources Global, Crowe Horwath, the National Association of Corporate Directors and FBR Capital Markets present a conference on trends, developments, concerns and solutions on how bank directors and officers can survive in today's new financial world.

Not since the Great Depression has the American banking system faced as many challenges as it does today. The global credit crisis, regulatory reform, resulting from the landmark Dodd-Frank Act, demands by regulators, shareholders and rating agencies have combined at a time of weak global economic growth and massive personal, corporate and sovereign debt levels to create a perfect storm of volatility and serious doubt about what to do next. Bank directors and executive officers are caught in this turbulent sea and are being held personally responsible for the survival of the banks they oversee and manage.

In this conference you will hear from senior bank executives, institutional investors, economists, accountants, credit and capital markets experts as well as regulatory, litigation and securities attorneys about the future of the banking industry, lessons from past failures and steps directors can take now and in the future to protect their banks and themselves.

WELCOME REMARKSRuss Meyer, Director, Grandpoint Capital

PANEL 1_Uncharted Seas: A Discussion of Regulatory and Industry Trends_This session will give participants insights on the current status and trends within the banking sector. Panelists will address regulatory reform resulting from the landmark Dodd-Frank Act, credit trends, earnings trends, demands by regulators on banks/boards, capital markets and the state of distressed asset sales.

Moderator: Russ Meyer, Director, Grandpoint BankJulian Abdey, Investment Analyst, Capital GroupDuke Bristow, Associate Professor of Clinical Finance and Business Economics, USC Marshall School of BusinessRay Calvey, Partner, Crowe HorwathJerry Comizio, Partner, Paul HastingsWalter Mix, Managing Director, LECG

PANEL 2Taking on Water: What To Do When FDIC Seizure May Be Inevitable - Stories From a ShipwreckPanelists will describe their own personal experience with litigation concerns, bank failures, theories being explored by regulators and shareholders in litigation. Also, what bank directors can or could have done to reduce liability.

Moderator: Lawrence Kaplan, Of Counsel, Paul HastingsJoel Athey, Partner, Corbin, Fitzgerald & Athey Michael McGuire, former CEO, Affinity Bank; Managing Director, MWA Advisors, LLCDavid L. Payne, National Practice Leader & Managing Director, AONLes Sussman, Managing Director, Resources Global

PANEL 3_Smooth Sailing: Strategies To Survive The Storm_What steps should Board and management take to protect their institution and themselves?

Moderator: Chris Mitchell, Vice Chairman, Marshall & Stevens; Director, Grandpoint CapitalJohn Hamel, Managing Director, FBR Capital MarketsAnn Lawrence, Of Counsel, Paul HastingsKendall Raine, Executive Managing Director, Marshall & Stevens

DATEThursday, September 30, 2010

TIMERegistration and Breakfast at 8:00 amWelcome Remarks at 8:30 amPanel 1 - 9:00 am to 9:50 amPanel 2 - 10:00 am tp 10:50 amPanel 3 - 11:00 am to 11:50 am

LOCATIONThe California ClubThe Great Hall / 1st Floor538 South Flower StreetLos Angeles, CA 90071

BUSINESS ATTIRECoat and tie for gentlemen and appropriate attire for women.For additional information on the The California Club's dress code, please visit this link.

FEE$50 per person advance registrationTo register, please follow this link by Thursday, September 23.

For event-related questions, please contact Elvia Soto at elviasoto@paulhastings.com.