Practice Area Articles
Spotlight on Anti-Corruption Investigations and Government Reforms
December 13, 2020
By Paul Hastings Professional
Spotlight on Anti-Corruption Investigations and Government Reforms
The business landscape in Latin America is constantly evolving. While political upheaval and market shifts create continued uncertainty, proposed reforms hold out the promise of an environment more attractive to international investment. Gain insight from our partners on the trends to follow—and what one history-making settlement may mean for future anti-corruption investigations.
Panel Discussion: Reforms Needed to Spur Investment

In the Financial Times, Roberta Bassegio joins Brazilian business leaders to discuss the reforms needed for a more stable business environment, the infrastructure projects necessary to help ensure economic recovery, and the opportunities these developments present for international investors.
Client Success: Braskem’s History-Making FCPA Settlement
We were recently honored with Am Law’s Global Dispute of the Year: Investigations (Latin America) for our representation of Braskem in the resolution of its U.S. Department of Justice and Securities and Exchange Commission investigations. Jay Darden takes us behind the scenes of this history-making settlement—and discusses what this outcome may mean for future investigations.
Managing Risk in Latin America: Stay-Awake Issues
How has the anti-corruption compliance landscape changed across Latin America in the wake of Lava Jato? What lessons can international companies draw from this landmark criminal investigation? Palmina Fava outlines the critical considerations for companies doing business in Latin America to keep top of mind when it comes to mitigating risk in today’s challenging environment.