Department of Labor's Push to Update the FLSA Regulations
Thursday, June 13 12:00 PM PST to 3:45 PM PST
The DOL recently published several proposals to update and modernize the FLSA regulations, and issued important new administrative guidance, on topics ranging from overtime calculations to independent contractor status.
Please join us on Thursday, June 13th at 11am PDT / 2pm EDT for a complimentary Wage and Hour Forum teleconference presentation providing our analysis of the DOL's:
Proposed changes to the regulations governing the "regular rate of pay," salary basis test for exempt status, and joint employment;
New interpretation of the legal tests for independent contractors and interns; and
Rumored changes in the works pertaining to the commissioned sales exemption, fluctuating workweek method of computing overtime, and provision of "board, lodging, and other facilities" as wages.